HealthSpot On The Mark At CES

The HealthSpot platform demonstrates a perfect example of the use of technology to change the human experience; specifically, telepresence is making a tremendous improvement to the experience of healthcare. Hidden in plain sight during the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show was a HealthSpot Station, allowing attendees to experience how technology is being used to counteract one of the weaknesses of modern medicine: access. The possibilities of telepresence for medical services is often limited to telephone consultations between doctors and the online distribution of images and reports — simply, telemedicine has been leaving the immense opportunities of modern technology untouched.  The … Continue reading HealthSpot On The Mark At CES

CES …The Greatest Show on Earth

Everyone – except people who have a clown or big crowd phobia – loves the circus. CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is one of the world’s biggest circuses on the globe with acts of all shapes, sizes and quality; each hungering for the cheers of the crowd. It isn’t often you see a lawyer as the ringmaster, but Shapiro (Gary, head of CEA – Consumer Electronics Association) does a pretty good job of handling the tempermental acts. The main acts (those in the center ring) are the big boys who pay bigger fees to put on their keynote speaker acts. Just … Continue reading CES …The Greatest Show on Earth