Everyone Can Sketch Using Morpholio Trace and Augmented Reality
Morpholio grabs Apple’s new ARKit by the seeds – the new AR mode creates a virtual perspective finder and lets anyone draw like a pro. Continue reading Everyone Can Sketch Using Morpholio Trace and Augmented Reality
Kids Get Dinosaur-Sized Tech with STEMosaur
Kids learn coding with the STEMosaur, a robotic dinosaur that they build themselves. Continue reading Kids Get Dinosaur-Sized Tech with STEMosaur
Augmented Reality was Apple’s Big Announcement
Along with new iPhones, Apple announced augmented reality features this week and they could be what the technology has been waiting for. Continue reading Augmented Reality was Apple’s Big Announcement
Finally, Full-Color 3D printing… da Vinci Color
New da Vinci Color 3D printer is the first to produce full-color across printed layers in finished products. Continue reading Finally, Full-Color 3D printing… da Vinci Color
SoundMoovz Wearables Dance to a Different Beat
Wearable SoundMoovz add music and sound effects to users’ real world movements. Continue reading SoundMoovz Wearables Dance to a Different Beat
Geek Bling from Circuit Breaker Labs
Circuit Breaker Labs creates beautiful tech-inspired jewelry and accessories featuring upcycled circuit boards. Continue reading Geek Bling from Circuit Breaker Labs
SmartAC is Tech for More Economical Air Conditioning
A smartAC kit can make a dumb plug-in air conditioner a bit smarter and help with energy management. Continue reading SmartAC is Tech for More Economical Air Conditioning
The { Device Diary } Vol. 11 is Hot
The { DeviceDiary } is our place to share some of the devices and accessories that rank high in the “cool, I need that” category. Continue reading The { Device Diary } Vol. 11 is Hot
Kids’ Bedrooms Get Augmented Reality – SpinTales
Augmented reality engages kids with interactive story-telling illustrated into the SpinTales bedcover and rug. Continue reading Kids’ Bedrooms Get Augmented Reality – SpinTales
Artificial Intelligence in Vi Earphones Improves Fitness Training
Vi earphones use biosensing and an artificial intelligence personal trainer to coach and motivate users. Continue reading Artificial Intelligence in Vi Earphones Improves Fitness Training